Welcome Readers!

"Hello" to all my regular readers and those who are here for the first time!
I hope that this blog enlightens and encourages those who read it but I also hope that it will wake up those who have been asleep to the clock that is ticking within our beautiful nation and within the body of Christ. It is my goal to glorify our Lord and share the Truth with anyone who will listen!
I pray that the Lord will give you strength and courage each day to do His will and to glorify Him. It seems to be getting harder and harder these days to keep our heads above water, but He does promise us that He will not allow the waters to overtake us! Praise Him for that promise!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Event Horizon

My husband loves learning about astronomy. The ideas of the space-time continuum, dark-matter and distant galaxies intrigue him. As he has shared with me the things that he has learned I too, have become interested in them. One of the concepts that has caught my attention is the black hole. I find it hard to imagine such an event but it seems to be something that science is proving to exist. The "event horizon" of a black hole is the point in which its gravity has captured an object and that particular object is lost to the black hole forever. There is no hope for escape from the crushing grip of the black hole's power. As I was considering a certain area of my life recently, I realized that the lies of Satan can be just like this "event horizon".

Ever since I can remember, insecurity has been a common struggle in my life. I tend to question peoples' motives and actions in my life which in turn generally lead to suspicion. All of this is completely because of insecurity of who I am. As I am growing in my relationship with the Lord, I am learning that I am a person worthy of love and that even if no other person out there feels that way towards me, God does! He truly IS sufficient for me! God doesn't make mistakes and therefore, I am perfectly and wonderfully made. However, Satan would love for me to deny this truth. I still find from time to time that thoughts of insecurities invade my mind but I now recognize them as lies from the enemy: Hence, the "event horizon". It is when they enter my mind that I have a choice; to allow them to be captured and sink into my spirit or to kick them out before they reach a point of no return. Lies usually don't travel alone, either! Where there is one there are usually far more and if one is allowed into the black hole of your mind many more will follow!

Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, we have the power to reject these lies and replace them with God's truth. The lies that Satan is trying to push beyond your "event horizon" may be about relationships in your life, a situation at work, the future of your children's lives, the future of the world and the list goes on. Does he tell you that you aren't good enough for God to love you? Maybe he tells you that you are just fine without God and that you don't truly need Him. Many people struggle with just being "good enough" for society; having a good job, being physically attractive, fitting into the trends of today and being technologically "hip". Whatever area(s) in your life may be prone to the lies of the world, be aware that the minute one crosses the line, it is almost impossible to reject.

The good news is that unlike a black hole's "event horizon", the "event horizon" of our mind can be over-powered...by God. It is through prayer and knowledge of God's Word that will give you the power to kick those thoughts out of your mind. Negativity is not of the Lord, but of Satan. Depend on the Holy Spirit to bring to your mind the truths that you have read and to bring the comfort of God's love.

Read about the armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-18


Anonymous said...

I really liked the name of your blog! It made me think...
And it's great how you praise God every day of your life and don't give up! God teaches you and you share with others... THANK YOU!
BTW, the pictures are very professional!
God bless you and your family!


C. Shelton said...

Isn't that what a godly life is about? Praising Him? Thanks for your encouragement and kind words!
God does bless me every day with forgiveness, eternal life and a loving family and heaven sent friends. What could be better?
C. Mallory