As we studied Paul's second missionary journey this week in BSF, the realization of our need for community, fellowship and relationships struck me a little deeper. Additionally, I had a few opportunities in my personal life as well, to solidify this truth. As the technological word continues to advance, relationships seem to deteriorate. Paul did not have the option to text the new churches to inquire as to how they were coming along. Not only that, he and his buddies needed to walk there. How many of us will walk to our neighbors house to check on them?
I work in the veterinary field. A sales rep gave a presentation this past week and he kept calling our clients "pet parents". This is just wrong! If God had wanted animals to be our equaled companions He would never have made Eve. Animals have many purposes, but to replace or fill the role of children or a spouse is not one of them. I believe that technology has been a major factor in the deterioration of human relationships and boosted the bond with animals.
Stay with me here. These two seemingly different ideas do mesh together. The ability that we have to get information instantly has its benefits, but socially it will be the demise of community and fellowship without an effort to keep those two concepts alive. The desire of convenience and the tendency toward isolation add to this dilemma. I am an introvert by nature. To socialize takes effort for me and it can be draining. Texting has offered me the freedom to save myself a phone call or a visit in person. I like that. But it isn't healthy to fall into a pattern of this behavior. This week offered two separate instances where this principle played out in my life. Both my sister and my dear friend "needed" to talk in person (voice to voice) to be encouraged and comforted. The result of this "time" invested in these relationships was beneficial to them, but as it turns out, was to me as well! Go figure. Logically I know this, but it until it impacts us personally it is easy to forget that aspect of relationship.
How does this relate to "pet parents"? I love my dogs and my horse. When life is hard it is nice to hang out with them. They don't talk back, my dogs love to cuddle and they are comforting. They like just being with me. It takes no effort on my part but I get a lot from them. The "pet parent" comment reminded me that we are MADE to have relationship with other people. Obviously people are longing for comfort, companionship and unconditional love that animals offer but we are not getting it from human interaction. In case you haven't learned this yet, relationships are hard! They take effort and time. They take compromise and they allow us to see the negative aspects of our character. And as technology increases the freedom to avoid relationships increases. Because human nature is lazy and takes the path of least resistance, we all have the potential to fall into this trap.
The next time you reach out to a friend, family member, co-worker etc. do it "Paul style". Take the time to see them in person, go walking with them, spend time investing in their life and their need. It truly is mutually beneficial, but it is also God's design for the human race. Why do you think they call it "Face Time"? We desire and long for the benefits of relationship, we just don't want to invest the effort and time. Who can you invest in this week? Stop the texting and the social media messaging and connect with them personally. It will put a smile on their face and yours!
As I ponder the world these days and think about what the future holds, I am amazed at the long-suffering of the Almighty God. He holds in His hand the very thread which will cause the world to unravel, yet He waits until the last has come to Him before He gives a swift pull and gathers all of His family to Himself. That day is coming but until then, there is work to be done. So, before I go Home...
Welcome Readers!
"Hello" to all my regular readers and those who are here for the first time!
I hope that this blog enlightens and encourages those who read it but I also hope that it will wake up those who have been asleep to the clock that is ticking within our beautiful nation and within the body of Christ. It is my goal to glorify our Lord and share the Truth with anyone who will listen!
I pray that the Lord will give you strength and courage each day to do His will and to glorify Him. It seems to be getting harder and harder these days to keep our heads above water, but He does promise us that He will not allow the waters to overtake us! Praise Him for that promise!
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