How many friendships and relationships break apart over petty disagreements? In many cases, it starts out with a small conflict that really is pretty stupid, but pride, frustration and other negative components intrude and then ... BAM, a full-blown fight or argument erupts. If complete resolution never occurs, the burning embers of resentment and bitterness smolder lending to an already lit flame the for next disagreement. This modality is the way of the enemy. He loves this type of negative energy especially when it is among the body of Christ. And even more when the arguments involve Biblical concepts and/or truths.
Earlier this week, I found myself in a discussion that could have led to bitterness. I was among a group of mature and experienced believers. We were discussing the "Rapture" and the Second Coming of Jesus. This wasn't an in-depth conversation, but topical in regards to 1st and 2nd Thessalonians. A comment was made that I didn't agree with and I felt my defenses go up. Thank goodness for the Holy Spirit who convicted me immediately of the pride welling up in me. "Just listen" is what I heard internally. Fortunately I obeyed and listened as it spurred a little conversation amongst the other women.
My take away from this situation was a gentle reminder that I tend to be quite prideful and arrogant in my stance when I am on a certain side of a topic. Was this topic doctrinal to the Christian belief in regards to salvation? No. The "Rapture" and Jesus' Second Coming are areas in Scripture that God leaves suspenseful. They are not going to determine one's salvation nor are our questions going to be answered until these events happen. These types of unanswered topics in Scripture are mysteries for us to ponder and to discuss, but allowing these topics to cause rifts between believers, is a tool of the enemy and we need to recognize it as such. Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and obedience are key. How do we acquire these? By being in His Word, through prayer and through daily submission to God's will. Will we mess up? Of course! We are human and by nature, prideful and sinful, but the goal in sanctification is to improve a little at a time.
This situation has stuck with me the past few days and I have pondered the reality that I allow my pride to enter relationships daily. How many times do my feathers get ruffled over petty things? In all relationships of life I need to take my own advice and let the "Main Things" be the "Main Themes". Those being, peace, unity, selflessness, gentleness, compassion etc.. If I applied these things to my life more consistently, how much better would my relationships be? Food for thought ...
As I ponder the world these days and think about what the future holds, I am amazed at the long-suffering of the Almighty God. He holds in His hand the very thread which will cause the world to unravel, yet He waits until the last has come to Him before He gives a swift pull and gathers all of His family to Himself. That day is coming but until then, there is work to be done. So, before I go Home...
Welcome Readers!
"Hello" to all my regular readers and those who are here for the first time!
I hope that this blog enlightens and encourages those who read it but I also hope that it will wake up those who have been asleep to the clock that is ticking within our beautiful nation and within the body of Christ. It is my goal to glorify our Lord and share the Truth with anyone who will listen!
I pray that the Lord will give you strength and courage each day to do His will and to glorify Him. It seems to be getting harder and harder these days to keep our heads above water, but He does promise us that He will not allow the waters to overtake us! Praise Him for that promise!
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