Welcome Readers!

"Hello" to all my regular readers and those who are here for the first time!
I hope that this blog enlightens and encourages those who read it but I also hope that it will wake up those who have been asleep to the clock that is ticking within our beautiful nation and within the body of Christ. It is my goal to glorify our Lord and share the Truth with anyone who will listen!
I pray that the Lord will give you strength and courage each day to do His will and to glorify Him. It seems to be getting harder and harder these days to keep our heads above water, but He does promise us that He will not allow the waters to overtake us! Praise Him for that promise!

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Self-Confidence, Lack of Confidence OR God-Confidence?

     Are you pretty enough? Handsome enough? Smart enough? Talented enough? As you ponder these questions, by whose standards are you making the determination? Your own? Your family's? Your culture's? Or, God's?
     Very few people are completely confident in themselves. And if they think that they are, a true test would be for them to lose any component of their lives that gives them that confidence. It may shatter their world. Most people may be confident in certain areas of their lives, but are insecure in other areas. This is normal. The sad part is that we tend to allow the areas of our lives where we are confident and insecure rule our behavior and our attitude. We judge our success by how we feel about that area of our lives. In most cases this is a very skewed viewpoint.
     I have struggled with my weight for years. Gaining, losing, gaining, losing. When I am thin, I am confident and when I am not, I am completely insecure. I watched a movie last night that was a real eye-opener for me. The lesson I learned from the movie is that when I am wallowing in self-pity over what the scale says I weigh or over how my jeans fit, I am self-focused and hurting those around me. My husband does not deserve my bad attitude because I feel fat. My employer is paying me to be a confident leader and manager and may receive less than that when I am insecure. My family appreciates spending time with me and is neglected when I become a hermit to avoid the humiliation of being in public. All of these examples are the fallout of insecurity.
     Confidence can be just as destructive. People who know they are "all that", know everything or can do everything perfectly can repel people. They are hard to have conversations with, can be pushy in business and frankly are just not that fun to be around. If our confidence is self-confidence, it is not offering glory to the Lord or drawing people to the Truth of the Word. In some areas of my life I am confident and can come across as snobbish.
    How does this relate to God? Simple. Whether I am confident or insecure, if I am not basing my determination on God's standards, I am consumed with myself. God made each of us in His image. God gave each of us abilities. When I am insecure in myself, I am neglecting to focus on who I am in Christ. Whether confident or insecure, spend time with God seeking a true picture of who you are in Him! If you are confident in Christ, praise Him!! And carry on the good works that He has prepared for you. If you find that you are confident in yourself, repent then move ahead giving God the glory for the gifts with which He has blessed you as you serve Him. If you struggle with insecurities, repent of those as well and ask God to allow you to see yourself as He sees you. He doesn't look at your failures, your wrinkles or your balding head. He looks at your heart, and so should you. Self-esteem or lack of it, is a tool of the enemy. It gets our focus on ourselves and off Jesus. We need to recognize it as such and be done with it! AMEN?    

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