Welcome Readers!

"Hello" to all my regular readers and those who are here for the first time!
I hope that this blog enlightens and encourages those who read it but I also hope that it will wake up those who have been asleep to the clock that is ticking within our beautiful nation and within the body of Christ. It is my goal to glorify our Lord and share the Truth with anyone who will listen!
I pray that the Lord will give you strength and courage each day to do His will and to glorify Him. It seems to be getting harder and harder these days to keep our heads above water, but He does promise us that He will not allow the waters to overtake us! Praise Him for that promise!

Saturday, April 11, 2020


     How many times have we hoped for more time to spend either in prayer, in the Word or both? I know I always feel like I never have enough time to dedicate to real in-depth study or prayer. It is usually 20 mins here, 30 mins there. Doing BSF, I set aside an hour once or twice a week to get my lesson and children's prep done, but it isn't extra time to just pour myself into wherever God would lead. 
     I listen to Skip Heitzig every morning on my way to work and he is currently teaching with the COVID situation in view. His lessons have been about Biblical quarantines, abiding by the authoritative decisions of our government and the idea of time alone with God. This made me think about all the people who are currently sequestered in their homes. One of the women in my BSF group mentioned that she has divided the Bible into 21 sections (based on the number of days that our state has declared "shelter in place") and is focused on reading through the Bible in that time. She said it takes her about 2 hours every day to read each section and she is having a blessed time. Wow! What a great idea!
     I am not sequestered at home. Work for me is still Monday-Friday 40 hours per week. Part of me wishes that I was one of the ones laid off so I could spend that precious time with the Lord. But would I? I have time that could be set aside for more study or prayer, but I don't. When I have a free day, I usually plan projects. But do I ever plan 1 or 2 hours to just be with the Lord? Rarely.
     Are you sequestered at home? If so, how are you spending your time? Pastor Heitzig reminded his listeners of the time that Jesus spent in the wilderness and that Paul, prior to starting his ministry went to Arabia for some time to prepare for the Lord's work. As well, Jesus broke away from the crowds on many occasions to be alone with his Father. What great examples of the need for and the importance of solitude. So, if you are faced with solitude, be thankful and seek the Lord's plan for that time. You know He has one and it is probably filled with doing more than cleaning, painting, reading a novel or watching TV.
     If you are like me and are blessed with the opportunity to still be working, it doesn't allow us an excuse to ignore the need for solitude. We need to MAKE that time happen. Today, I took my dogs for a long walk then went fishing in a snowstorm! It was a great day spending time alone with my heavenly Father. As the world get crazier and crazier, quiet time with the Lord is ever more so important. How will you make that time today?

Friday, March 27, 2020


     What immediately comes to mind when you hear the words "Twenty-twenty"? Is it the year we are currently living in? The idea of "hindsight"? Or "perfect" vision? The other day, I heard a pastor talking about "2020" and our relationship with God and I thought that was a profound thing to consider. The year of 2020 may just be the year to have hindsight that is 2020, to give us 2020 vision!
     For me, the year has been off to a rather difficult start. Nothing major, but I have been busy with work, challenged by life, and overall, a little tired in my Christian walk. (You may have noticed that in my posts since January.) Anyhow, I do truly feel that the Lord is prompting me to a deeper walk with Him and I think that is one of the things that makes me tired: The idea of going deeper. Especially now, with the COVID concerns and the havoc that it has caused in my work life, I find myself even more consumed with the daily things, therefore even more tired. What a better time for God to ask me /us to go deeper. Will it be spiritually beneficial? Of course! But NOW?
     It makes me think of the movie U-571. The movie is about a submarine in our Navy during WWII. The scene I recall is when there is a big galley fire and it is at this time that the captain decides to have an emergency drill. Another officer questions his timing and he responds that this is the PERFECT time to test the crew; that they need to be pushed to their limits when it isn't a true emergency so they will be ready for the real emergency. Of course, his philosophy proves true in the movie and the crew is successful in the real crisis. God is so very wise and when I am tired, He pushes me beyond my tiredness.
     How does this correlate to my topic? In the year 2020, I feel that we, as Christians, need to seriously depend on our hindsight to help us have the proper sight for what is coming. In the midst of chaos, more chaos will come and we need to be ready. We need to look to the past miracles God has performed in our lives (and you know He has performed them; big and little) to remind us of His power and sovereignty not only in our lives but in the world. In order for us to see through the chaos, we need to have a good vision and that only comes from being in a VERY close relationship with Him. That takes time and energy. So tired or not, it is what I/we should do. Go deeper and gain better vision because I believe 2020 will require it.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Are You Stocking Up?

     I was AMAZED when I stopped at the store today after church. The empty shelves were shocking to me. No meat, eggs, frozen veggies, bread and the list goes on. We were there for a corned beef brisket, cabbage and some Brussel sprouts. Just usual stuff. Living in N. Idaho has trained us to live in a prepared state in the event of a power outage during the winter months so in the event we really were to have a crisis, we would be prepared. Between the COVID 19 panic, the current study of 1st Corinthians in BSF and the series at church the last few weeks, I started considering what makes me feel secure.
     Knowing that my pantry is stocked with reserves, having wood for the winter to keep the fire going, having the security of a husband who will protect me and a good job that helps to pay the bills all add up to security. These things bring me comfort. What if all of it were lost? How secure would I feel then? An aqauintance of mine lost all that she had in a house fire 3 weeks ago. The house burned to the ground and she and her husband got out with the clothes in their backs. Every time I put on makeup, or go to the fridge for a snack or look at a picture on the wall, I think about the things that I take for granted, daily. True, she will have a home and belongings again but in an instant, she lost 30 years of precious memories.
     The panic over COVID 19 has closed schools in our area and therefore may limit the staff I have to fill positions at work. As well, the threat may cause clients to postpone scheduling appointments. Will I have a job in 4 weeks from now? Most likely I will. But, the thought of these things has me looking to Jesus for the eternal comfort only He can provide. The concerns on this earth, even when overwhelming, are completely in God's control and under His power. Because I am His child, even when I die I will be raised again in a glorified body to live eternally in heaven with Jesus. WOW!! The reality of that has a new perspective for me.
     One thing that has most importantly been highlighted in this current world situation is the obvious fear or anxiety that people are feeling. Do they know the comfort of Jesus? I would suspect not. Maybe they do when things are good, but now they have allowed the fear to override their trust in the Lord. Either way, isn't it my responsibility to offer comfort where I can by sharing the truth of the Gospel? Stocking up on food and household supplies may not be a bad idea in general, for the potential of any catastrophy, but stocking up on the Word of Jesus is the only true security that we can experience. If you are worrisome, will you stock up on Jesus today? And if you are calm amidst the confusion, maybe you know someone who could use some of your Jesus "reserves".                      

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Joy of Victory!

     Have you ever before experienced the joy of victory? Victory in a sport that you have participated in, or in the success of reconciliation in a relationship, or in accomplishing a very difficult task that has been set before you? The flavor of victory does taste quite good, doesn't it! It is satisfying, comforting and ultimately edifying. Victory in the right things can be very healthy for body, mind and spirit. 
     Last night at BSF, my co-leader asked the question, "How does obeying God bring joy?". The 11 and 12 year old students had a variety of answers, many of which were very insightful. The question prior to this one was, "Why do God's children still sin?". As the students discussed the "struggle" with sin, it made me consider that it really is a "battle" when we are tempted with sinful thoughts and behaviors. To look at the temptation to sin as an actual battle with our flesh, the world or the enemy, completely helped me to answer the first question! When we are obedient to the Lord, which includes facing those temptations and being obedient in them, we are victors! Victors in the battle that we just faced and conquered. This may be extremely obvious to some of you, but for some reason it really struck me last night. 
     Maybe that is because I have been feeling quite defeated over the past few months in regards to a sinful habit with which I have been struggling. Sinful because I know this habit may be allowable for others, but not for me. This bad habit has taken over my attitude and has stolen my joy. The realization hit me last night, that I have lost my joy more because of a loss of victory rather than frustration over the defeat of the sin. Maybe I am picking fly poop out of pepper here, but for whatever reason, the spin on this loss of joy has helped me to view this situation from a completely different perspective. Rather than looking at how hard it is to defeat this temptation, I am looking forward to the joy that comes from the victory of the battle. 
     Maybe you need a different perspective. It may make all the difference in the world! 

Monday, February 24, 2020

Not My Usual Style

Hello Readers,
This is not my usual style of post, but I thought that I should share some reality. It is good to think about illustrations and applications that we can apply to our lives, but knowing what makes sense and doing what makes sense aren't always synonymous. I am in God's Word regularly and even teach children how to apply what they are learning, but I have to be honest and admit that I don't always apply those truths to my own life.
I know what God instructs us to do and how to behave, but the challenges of life, our flesh, the enemy and frankly our pride, regularly give us excuses for NOT doing what we know are not only pleasing to Him, but best for us! I am so clearly learning to appreciate the words of Paul in Romans 7: 15-20. (See the "Verses of the week") He struggled with it too, which makes me feel better but I still get so darn frustrated with myself. All of this also makes me understand more clearly why God emphasizes the need to be in prayer and in His Word regularly, to put on the Armor of God and to be aware of the enemy's tactics.
Another thing that I am realizing is why David was called "A Man after God's own heart". David knew the gift of forgiveness and didn't allow sin to separate himself from the Lord. I don't know about you, but I feel dirty after I have knowingly sinned and this in itself can keep me from the feet of Jesus. I need to get some distance from my sin first, then I feel a little more "worthy" of being in the presence of Jesus. How silly is that?! Without Jesus, I am NEVER worthy of anything but death and permanent separation from God. WOW. How messed up we truly are! And most of the time we don't even see it. We just plug away at our little lives, doing our daily duties and considering Jesus a little here and a little there. Amazing.
Well, I feel better. As you can probably guess, I have been feeling a little "dirty" lately and needed to come "clean". This side of heaven, we will live in a soiled condition, but praise God we are made "white as snow" through the blood of Jesus! Carry on fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and remember that you are not walking though this life alone. Jesus is there each step of the way and is oh so very willing to wash our feet when they get a little dirty.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Self-Confidence, Lack of Confidence OR God-Confidence?

     Are you pretty enough? Handsome enough? Smart enough? Talented enough? As you ponder these questions, by whose standards are you making the determination? Your own? Your family's? Your culture's? Or, God's?
     Very few people are completely confident in themselves. And if they think that they are, a true test would be for them to lose any component of their lives that gives them that confidence. It may shatter their world. Most people may be confident in certain areas of their lives, but are insecure in other areas. This is normal. The sad part is that we tend to allow the areas of our lives where we are confident and insecure rule our behavior and our attitude. We judge our success by how we feel about that area of our lives. In most cases this is a very skewed viewpoint.
     I have struggled with my weight for years. Gaining, losing, gaining, losing. When I am thin, I am confident and when I am not, I am completely insecure. I watched a movie last night that was a real eye-opener for me. The lesson I learned from the movie is that when I am wallowing in self-pity over what the scale says I weigh or over how my jeans fit, I am self-focused and hurting those around me. My husband does not deserve my bad attitude because I feel fat. My employer is paying me to be a confident leader and manager and may receive less than that when I am insecure. My family appreciates spending time with me and is neglected when I become a hermit to avoid the humiliation of being in public. All of these examples are the fallout of insecurity.
     Confidence can be just as destructive. People who know they are "all that", know everything or can do everything perfectly can repel people. They are hard to have conversations with, can be pushy in business and frankly are just not that fun to be around. If our confidence is self-confidence, it is not offering glory to the Lord or drawing people to the Truth of the Word. In some areas of my life I am confident and can come across as snobbish.
    How does this relate to God? Simple. Whether I am confident or insecure, if I am not basing my determination on God's standards, I am consumed with myself. God made each of us in His image. God gave each of us abilities. When I am insecure in myself, I am neglecting to focus on who I am in Christ. Whether confident or insecure, spend time with God seeking a true picture of who you are in Him! If you are confident in Christ, praise Him!! And carry on the good works that He has prepared for you. If you find that you are confident in yourself, repent then move ahead giving God the glory for the gifts with which He has blessed you as you serve Him. If you struggle with insecurities, repent of those as well and ask God to allow you to see yourself as He sees you. He doesn't look at your failures, your wrinkles or your balding head. He looks at your heart, and so should you. Self-esteem or lack of it, is a tool of the enemy. It gets our focus on ourselves and off Jesus. We need to recognize it as such and be done with it! AMEN?    

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Keeping the "Main Thing" the "Main Theme"

     How many friendships and relationships break apart over petty disagreements? In many cases, it starts out with a small conflict that really is pretty stupid, but pride, frustration and other negative components intrude and then ... BAM, a full-blown fight or argument erupts. If complete resolution never occurs, the burning embers of resentment and bitterness smolder lending to an already lit flame the for next disagreement. This modality is the way of the enemy. He loves this type of negative energy especially when it is among the body of Christ. And even more when the arguments involve Biblical concepts and/or truths.
     Earlier this week, I found myself in a discussion that could have led to bitterness. I was among a group of mature and experienced believers. We were discussing the "Rapture" and the Second Coming of Jesus. This wasn't an in-depth conversation, but topical in regards to 1st and 2nd Thessalonians. A comment was made that I didn't agree with and I felt my defenses go up. Thank goodness for the Holy Spirit who convicted me immediately of the pride welling up in me. "Just listen" is what I heard internally. Fortunately I obeyed and listened as it spurred a little conversation amongst the other women.
     My take away from this situation was a gentle reminder that I tend to be quite prideful and arrogant in my stance when I am on a certain side of a topic. Was this topic doctrinal to the Christian belief in regards to salvation? No. The "Rapture" and Jesus' Second Coming are areas in Scripture that God leaves suspenseful. They are not going to determine one's salvation nor are our questions going to be answered until these events happen. These types of unanswered topics in Scripture are mysteries for us to ponder and to discuss, but allowing these topics to cause rifts between believers, is a tool of the enemy and we need to recognize it as such. Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and obedience are key. How do we acquire these? By being in His Word, through prayer and through daily submission to God's will. Will we mess up? Of course! We are human and by nature, prideful and sinful, but the goal in sanctification is to improve a little at a time.
     This situation has stuck with me the past few days and I have pondered the reality that I allow my pride to enter relationships daily. How many times do my feathers get ruffled over petty things? In all relationships of life I need to take my own advice and let the "Main Things" be the "Main Themes". Those being, peace, unity, selflessness, gentleness, compassion etc.. If I applied these things to my life more consistently, how much better would my relationships be? Food for thought ...                        

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Who Is Your Flock?

     If you have been a sincere and earnest follower of Jesus, you have a flock. Do you realize that? Have you considered who your flock may be? As I studied 1st Thessalonians this past week, I gained a greater appreciation for the deep and penetrating love that Paul had for his flock. As he walked the courses of his missionary journeys, he met numerous people, many of whom became true believers in the One True God and our Lord and Savior, Jesus. He may have not know them for much time before moving on to the next city where he preached the gospel and again, made new friends and fellow believers. His letter to the Thessalonians overwhelmed me with the care and encouragement that he desired to express to them; his longing to see them again and to know how they were doing in their faith-walk.
     Paul not only took the commission of sharing the gospel seriously, he also knew the importance of the follow-through. He took it as a personal privilege and responsibility to maintain a relationship with these people and to build them up in their faith; like he had a vested interest in their spiritual growth. He did! He was their shepherd and they were his flock. Paul tirelessly prayed for and encouraged his flock. He wrote letters to them and sent others to see them and to check-in on their progress and in some cases to rebuke them for bad habits or poor theology. Near or far, he played an integral role in their spiritual growth.
     If you have shared the gospel with just one person who heard, listened and believed, you have a flock. It may be a small one, but you now have the very same privilege and responsibility to continue assisting that person in building their relationship with Jesus. Maybe it is through prayer, phone calls, face-time or taking them to church each Sunday. Maybe the Lord would even ask you to invest time in doing a Bible study with them. Whatever He requests of you, you have a vested interest in that person. If you have been walking with the Lord for a number of years, your flock may be quite large by now.
     Does this mean that you need to quit your day job to become a full time shepherd? Well, if that is the Lord's leading then yes, but in most cases keeping a prayer list would be a good start. Write down as many people that you can think of that you have ministered the gospel to. This list in itself will be encouraging to you. You will be amazed as the names come into your mind, at the number of people that you have influenced! From there, as you pray each day, allow the leading of the Lord to pray for those whom He lays on your heart. You can also add to the prayer list the people that are currently in your circle of influence, but not yet believing in the Lord. I did this and was surprised by this number as well. Many of the people that I put on this list, I realized I had never prayed for them.
     Our flock needs our support, prayers and encouragement. Think about how you feel when you are encouraged. It is so important and faith-building. Lets do our part as shepherds. Set a goal this week to start your list and watch it grow. Then ask the Lord to help you set aside the time that is necessary to pray, visit and encourage those who are in your flock. Paul is such an outstanding example of this. He worked diligently as a tent-maker, but yet his priority was his job as shepherd. Can you say the same? I can't always and that needs to change!                        

Sunday, January 26, 2020

"Paul-Style" Relationships

     As we studied Paul's second missionary journey this week in BSF, the realization of our need for community, fellowship and relationships struck me a little deeper. Additionally, I had a few opportunities in my personal life as well, to solidify this truth. As the technological word continues to advance, relationships seem to deteriorate. Paul did not have the option to text the new churches to inquire as to how they were coming along. Not only that, he and his buddies needed to walk there. How many of us will walk to our neighbors house to check on them?
     I work in the veterinary field. A sales rep gave a presentation this past week and he kept calling our clients "pet parents". This is just wrong! If God had wanted animals to be our equaled companions He would never have made Eve. Animals have many purposes, but to replace or fill the role of children or a spouse is not one of them. I believe that technology has been a major factor in the deterioration of human relationships and boosted the bond with animals.
     Stay with me here. These two seemingly different ideas do mesh together. The ability that we have to get information instantly has its benefits, but socially it will be the demise of community and fellowship without an effort to keep those two concepts alive. The desire of convenience and the tendency toward isolation add to this dilemma. I am an introvert by nature. To socialize takes effort for me and it can be draining. Texting has offered me the freedom to save myself a phone call or a visit in person. I like that. But it isn't healthy to fall into a pattern of this behavior. This week offered two separate instances where this principle played out in my life. Both my sister and my dear friend "needed" to talk in person (voice to voice) to be encouraged and comforted. The result of this "time" invested in these relationships was beneficial to them, but as it turns out, was to me as well! Go figure. Logically I know this, but it until it impacts us personally it is easy to forget that aspect of relationship.
     How does this relate to "pet parents"? I love my dogs and my horse. When life is hard it is nice to hang out with them. They don't talk back, my dogs love to cuddle and they are comforting. They like just being with me. It takes no effort on my part but I get a lot from them. The "pet parent" comment reminded me that we are MADE to have relationship with other people. Obviously people are longing for comfort, companionship and unconditional love that animals offer but we are not getting it from human interaction. In case you haven't learned this yet, relationships are hard! They take effort and time. They take compromise and they allow us to see the negative aspects of our character. And as technology increases the freedom to avoid relationships increases. Because human nature is lazy and takes the path of least resistance, we all have the potential to fall into this trap.
     The next time you reach out to a friend, family member, co-worker etc. do it "Paul style". Take the time to see them in person, go walking with them, spend time investing in their life and their need. It truly is mutually beneficial, but it is also God's design for the human race. Why do you think they call it "Face Time"? We desire and long for the benefits of relationship, we just don't want to invest the effort and time. Who can you invest in this week? Stop the texting and the social media messaging and connect with them personally. It will put a smile on their face and yours!                 

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Saturation Point

     One of my favorite subjects in college was chemistry. To examine and understand (at least a little) the intricacies of atoms and molecules and their structure, attraction and repulsion of each other intrigued me greatly. To realize the detail in which God created everything in existence is beyond words and even imagination, at least for me.
     Yesterday, my husband and I were discussing our desire for certain things to become second nature for us. Specifically, our thoughts and responses in daily situations to instinctively go to God, whether it be reflected through prayer or behavior. This topic lead me to the thought of the saturation point in terms of chemistry. The saturation point of salt water is when you have added so much salt to the glass of water that the water molecules are full and can no longer attach to the salt molecules. The result of this is the remaining salt settling on the bottom of the glass. I want to be "saturated" with Jesus
     I think in many places throughout God's Word this idea is conveyed, but not illustrated through chemistry. When we are told to pray without ceasing. Does the writer mean that 24/7 we should be on our knees praying? No. That certainly is not a realistic interpretation, however, the idea of continual prayer is if we are "saturated" with Jesus. The result would be an instinctive and second nature response to our daily interactions which in turn would result in continual prayer. I did a word search for "filled" and found so many more expressions of the word than I ever expected. Such as Ephesians 3:19 "and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God." Philippians 1:9-11 "And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God". And 1st Peter 1:8 "Though you have not seen Him , you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy."
     The word "full" is a synonym for saturated. I find this to be quite interesting. I don't think that I am reaching, to surmise that to be "saturated" with Jesus would result in also being saturated with joy, knowledge and righteousness which by the way, lends to peace (Hebrews 12:11 "For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it."). It's a "win-win" situation. Filling ourselves with Jesus is promised to fill us with the wonders of the Holy Spirit.
     I definitely want to reach my "Jesus saturation point". Will I reach that before I reach heaven? Not if I don't try and even then maybe not. But I know I want to be more saturated tomorrow than I am today. How saturated are you? Is there room for more Jesus in your heart and your life?                

Sunday, January 12, 2020

That Pecking Bird!

     I LOVE to sleep in! I mean really LOVE to sleep in. I don't get to do that very often but to sleep until 8am (or later if blessed) is such a treat! My husband is so good to keep the dogs quiet and to bring me a cup of coffee when he thinks I may be awake. (God is so GOOD!) Anyhow, last year there were a few times I had the chance to sleep in but wasn't able to on account of a bird. That's right a stinking bird. It was a Northern Flicker which likes to peck on old dead trees, usually to nest in. However when they can't find a good tree, siding of a house will suffice. These birds are really pretty but not at 7am when I am trying to enjoy a "sleep-in" day and they are pecking on the siding of my house!
    As I pondered this bird for a bit, I wondered if it knew something that I didn't about my home. Was there a weak spot in the siding? Maybe some sort of insect in the wall?  Or was it just pecking to peck and disturbing my slumber for no good reason! Anyhow, this bird found a spot on the side of the house that happened to be the exterior wall of my bedroom. Go figure. It woke me up and I was a little bit more than irritated. I opened the window and yelled, but another trait of the Flicker is they are pretty brave. It stayed put and continued to peck away. By now, I am pretty frustrated. I pulled out the screen and got on the roof (my bedroom overlooks the roof of the garage). It was intent on the task at hand ... pecking! There was a pinecone on the roof and I threw it at the bird. I missed, but it did fly away ... for a very short time. And today's blog was born!
     As it turns out, the bird didn't necessarily sense anything abnormal with my home, but it still made me think of Satan and his negative nature. He senses the weaknesses (sin) that we have and he pecks away until he has a hole big enough to nest. "Google" had a few remedies for keeping this bird from pecking on my home, but I just kept throwing pinecones at it, (and missing) and filled the small hole it had started, with caulking. It eventually went somewhere else to make a nest.
     How do we deal with Satan when he has found a weak spot? Do we just keep shooing him away or do we shore up the "weakness" so that he can't get a foothold? If the Flicker bird is not removed from the situation, much damage can be done and such is the case with Satan. If we don't address the attacks he will continue to advance and much damage can be done to our lives as well as the lives of those around us. If you sense the presence of the enemy prowling around your door or pecking on your siding, I suggest that you investigate as to why he is prowling and put some tactics in place to keep him from causing damage. Prayer, time in God's Word, repentance of any known sin in your life and continual fellowship with mature Christians are just a few of the preventative actions we can take to help keep Satan, the pecking bird, from doing damage. I can tell you right now that throwing things at him probably won't get him to leave and even if it does, it won't be a long-tem fix!

Sunday, January 5, 2020

My Apologies

     WOW! January of 2020! I can't believe how time flies by. It feels like it was just 2016 and according to my last blog post, it was! I sincerely apologize for the lack of attention that I have given to this site. If you have an interest in knowing what has been keeping me away, read on.
     It really comes down to one thing: Spiritual laziness. I have allowed the acronym of BUSY (Being Under Satan's Yoke) to occupy my time. Work has been very stressful and time consuming and life at home while good, is similar. And what gets pushed out first? Time serving the Lord or even sitting at His feet. How sad. Can any of you relate? I suspect, yes.
     A New Year offers opportunity to reflect back and we all tend to do that even if is just a little bit. I don't usually dwell on a New Year but this year is different. It is 2020 for goodness sakes!! A mile-marker and a year that I would love to have go down in the record book of my life as a game-changer.
     Excuses. Everybody has them but the truth is, I have lost sight of my priorities. Being BUSY does that. It is a very successful way for the enemy to distract and occupy our time so that our relationship with God becomes 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc.. I have had a few wake up calls over the past couple of years and it has taken me this long to get serious about making changes. Man, we can be so DENSE! (Some day the Lord may chose to use those wake-up calls as posts!)
     I am still a Children's Leader in BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) and I enjoy that very much but I would be lying if I said that I was giving it 100%. I would estimate closer to 65-70%. I work about 50 hours a week as the Practice Manger of a veterinary hospital and try to engage in normal relationships and activities outside of those things. People who are good at "Time Management" would probably say: "So what's the problem?". I however, struggle in this area. So, I am prayerful and energized to make 2020 a little, no, ALOT different. I don't have a plan in place just yet, but I have been praying about it and returning to my blog is part of what I feel the Lord is recommending. I would love to have my readers help keep me accountable. If you feel led to email me and give me a nudge when I am slacking, go for it! We are all in this together.
     Outlandish goals just set us up for failure so I am not planning to do that, but I know that a weekly to bi-monthly post is not unreasonable. God gives me opportunities daily, that I can share, but something "Blog" worthy, at least a couple of times per month.
     I do pray for all of you a healthy and prosperous 2020 and if any of you can relate to my above sentiments, find someone who will hold you accountable for some changes. Then make them. I remember back to 2011 when I was going through my divorce. The divorce was not my choice, but I will tell you that I had the sweetest time ever with the Lord and would not change that for anything! I was closer to Him then, than I had ever been before and sadly, since. But that is my choice. He hasn't gone anywhere. He is no further or closer than He was then. I am the one who has moved.